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The Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP) has been connecting planners and advancing planning across the Commonwealth for over 50 years. Today this global institution plays an increasingly significant role in promoting planning as fundamental for sustainable human settlements, mitigating the impacts of climate change and building resilient communities. 


Submissions are now open for the 2024 CAP Awards! Head on over to our AWARDS page for more information!

Built environment professionals across the Commonwealth have renewed their commitment to confronting global challenges together! Read the full news release HERE.

CAP has endorsed a Climate Action Policy! Find out more on our NEWS page.

The results are in - we have a new President and Board of Trustees for CAP!  Check out the BLOG for the full results.

A new book about CAP's past achievements and its importance to the future just arrived! See the BLOG for more information.

About CAP


Under the umbrella of the Commonwealth of Nations, CAP brings together 30 national professional planning organizations around the world, which represent almost 40,000 professional planners. 

This is our strength: the combined knowledge and experience of professional planners who span the globe.

Our members operate at all levels of government and in the private sectors, non-government organizations and community-based associations. Most importantly, they work in communities large and small. Through this extensive network, CAP brings considerable resources to all aspects of planning, including how to mitigate the impact of climate change and build resilience in communities. 

In November 2022, CAP's membership adopted this STRATEGIC PLAN.

MEMBER INSTITUTES vary in size, complexity and the environments in which they contribute, but together we share a strong commitment to ensuring that the role and expertise of planners and planning is recognised, respected and utilized to address the challenges that communities face.

CAP's WOMEN IN PLANNING network and the YOUNG PLANNERS network attest to the increasing energy and relevance of our Mission

CAP is proud to be a partner in the CSCI (Commonwealth Sustainable Urbanisation Programme). Our partners are: Commonwealth Association of Architects, Association of Commonwealth Universities and the Commonwealth Local Government Forum, with support from The Prince’s Foundation, the Rwandan Ministry of Infrastructure, the Rwandan Ministry of Local Government and the Commonwealth Engineers Council.

Rapid Planning Toolkit 



The Rapid Planning Toolkit for Urban Expansion offers local governments and communities the chance to positively influence spatial planning in their cities. 

CAP is a partner in the Toolkit, a product of the Prince's Foundation. 


For secondary cities and towns expecting to grow rapidly, the Toolkit will help you to engage relevant stakeholders and to identify, plan and implement growth areas. 

Put the Rapid Planning Toolkit to work in your community.

Co-operation and Collaboration

Education and Research

We work in partnership to improve human settlements through proactive participation with other Commonwealth and international organisations. These include the Commonwealth Foundation, the Commonwealth Secretariat and other Commonwealth Associations; UN Habitat including the World Urban Campaign, General Assembly of Partners, Habitat Professionals Forum and World Urban For and many allied professionals, including architects, surveyors and engineers.

Building capacity is critical. CAP works with our members to provide best practice papers and webinar opportunities to share current research and build capacity.


Connecting to our members and sharing resources, educational options and mentoring opportunities to:

  • build capacity in countries that are experiencing high urban growth rates,

  • and assist countries with limited planning education opportunities.

We strengthen the voice of planners in all regions of the Commonwealth by assisting in the formation of associations in those countries which do not have them.


We serve as a contact and exchange point by, for example:

  • preparing pan-Commonwealth discussion papers on topics of relevance;

  • holding events in the regions;

  • disseminating good practice.

We share information by social media and post information on our website.


Our Focus

Advancing professional planning globally

CAP gratefully acknowledges the support of our members and the Commonwealth Foundation.

Commonwealth Association of Planners (known as CAP) is a Scottish Charity, SC034482, regulated by the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)


Want to VOLUNTEER for CAP? Please contact

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