2022 CAP Planning Awards
Planning for the Climate Emergency Award
Creating Happier and Greener Communities in Nanumba North Municipality (Ghana)
The judges also commended:
The Revision of Functional Master Plan and Detailed Area Plan to make the Rajshahi
Metropolitan Development Plan (RMDP) Disaster Risk Sensitive (Bangladesh)
Planning for Cities & Human Settlements/Plan Making Award
The City of Ekurhuleni Growth Management Strategy (South Africa)
The judges also commended:
Activities to Enhance Behaviour Change on Sanitation and Form
Hygiene Environment in Urban Slums (Khulna City, Bangladesh)
Planning for Equitable and Inclusive Cities and Human Settlements
Glasgow Children & Young Peoples Climate Charter (Scotland)
Planning for Conservation of the Built & Natural
Environment and Cultural Heritage
Milford Opportunities Masterplan (New Zealand)
Planning for the climate emergency
Chair: Professor Barbara Norman

Creating Happier and Greener Communities in Nanumba North Municipality Ghana
Participants: Joshua Mumuni, Senior Development Planning Officer in the Local Government Service, Ghana; the Ghana Institute of Planners and the Nanumba North Municipal Assembly
This project aims to embed a commitment to environmental sustainability and tackle climate change within the Nanumba North Disaster Preparedness Action Plan. Implementation is key to the activities, including afforestation, agro-forestry and enforcement of building regulations that are designed to reduce the incidence of rainstorms and flooding in communities of the Nanumba North Municipal Assembly. Disaster Preparedness Action Planning has been mainstreamed in the District Medium-Term Development Plans. These activities have been implemented and have created happier and greener communities in Nanumba North Municipality. As part of sustainability of the activities in the Disaster Preparedness Plan, opinion leaders and farmers have been educated on the need to adopt resilient farming practices such as agro-forestry.
Revision of Functional Master Plan and Detailed Area Plan to make the Rajshahi Metropolitan Development Plan (RMDP) Disaster Risk Sensitive, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Participants: Rajshahi Development Authority, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and Data Experts (Pvt) Limited, Rajshahi Development Authority, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Data Experts (Pvt) Limited, Troyee Associates
This project aims to reduce the impact of specific hazards (drought, flood, earthquake, fire). Disaster risk reduction measures were mainstreamed into the project, Revision of Functional Master Plan and Detailed Area Plan to make Rajshahi Metropolitan Development Plan (RMDP) Disaster Risk Sensitive, by revisioning the Functional Master Plan and Detailed Area Plan of RMDP 2004-2024. The goal is to reduce the vulnerability of people and infrastructure by identifying appropriate (safe or low-risk) locations for settlement and construction and by defining and applying adequate building standards during plan implementation. Numerous surveys and studies conducted inside the project area presented a precise picture of land use, demography, urbanization, drainage, urban economy, socio-economic conditions, environmental conditions, social and municipal services, transportation, recreation, heritage and tourism, and most importantly, disaster risks. The strategies and recommendations recommended by the sector experts help to achieve the project goals and objectives.

Planning for cities and human settlements /
Plan making in the Commonwealth
Chair: Viral Desai

Activities to Enhance Behaviour Change on Sanitation and Form Hygiene Environment in Urban Slums Khulna City of Bangladesh
Participants: Community Re-Construction Centre (CRC) and Japan Association of Drainage and Environment (JADE)
This project addresses three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): good health and well-being (Goal-3); clean water and sanitation (Goal-6); and sustainable cities and communities (Goal-11). The results and experiences of the project activity are titled “Activities to Enhance Behaviour Change on Sanitation and Form Hygiene Environment in Urban Slums at Khulna City of Bangladesh” with funding from Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE) grant of Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency (ERCA).
The City of Ekurhuleni Growth Management Strategy, South Africa
Participants: City of Ekurhuleni and BC Gildenhuys & Associates
The City of Ekurhuleni's Growth Management Strategy (GMS) was developed in response to a rapidly changing environment. High rates of urbanisation, growing unemployment and a struggling economy, compounded by the impact of COVID-19, have meant that the City Council has had to rethink its spatial planning approach to achieve its long-term development goals. The Growth Management Strategy used new and innovative spatial analysis techniques, underpinned by technology and driven by a strong data and evidence-based methodology. The GMS encapsulates the principles of accountable, responsive, and responsible governance by setting objectives and fact-based guidelines to measure city development performance, formulating an appropriate response to change, and promoting a more sustainable and resilient city form. The strategy's formulation was driven by the view that if we cannot quantify, we cannot measure, and if we cannot measure, we cannot manage.

Barbados Physical Development Plan Amendment
Participants: Urban Strategies Inc.
Barbados is a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) and member of the Commonwealth located in the Eastern Caribbean. It has an area of approximately 430 square kilometres and a population of approximately 287,000. With only a single level of government, planning matters across the island are guided by the Physical Development Plan (PDP), which addresses everything from strategic development policies to land use policies to place-specific community plans. The PDP (2022) integrates sustainability policies that address social, environmental, and economic resiliency relating to human settlement at the national and community scales.

Planning for equitable and inclusive cities and human settlements
Chair: Professor Carole Archer
Glasgow Children & Young Peoples Climate Charter Glasgow, Scotland UK
Participants: Glasgow City Council
The Glasgow Children and Young People’s Climate Charter is an intergenerational declaration and promise, setting out a plan of how the city, and the city’s children, will tackle the climate crisis together.

Alexandra Park Revitalization Plan, Toronto, Canada
Participants: Urban Strategies Inc. (Cyndi Rottenberg-Walker - CIP), N. Barry Lyon Consultants, Public Interest, BA Group, URS Corp., Levitt-Goodman Architects, Jon Harstone, Halsall Associates, Architects Alliance, DTAH, Novus Environmental, BA Group, GHD, exp, The Atkinson Housing Cooperative Inc.
The Revitalization Plan for Alexandra Park creates a new mixed-use, mixed-income neighbourhood for an 18-acre, 1970’s-era social housing complex in Downtown Toronto. Its Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) tenants, most of whom are first-generation Canadians who identify as visible minorities, were deeply involved in developing the plan. This plan improves accessibility to amenities and community services, provides economic development opportunities, enhances community safety, and offers a greener, more sustainable community. When construction is complete, the site will contain approximately 400 replacement TCHC units, 400 refurbished TCHC units and 1,800 new market units in a mix of apartments, condominiums and townhouses. The plan ensures that there is no displacement of tenants from the community either during construction or afterwards, and that all existing TCHC units will continue to be rented on a rent-geared-to-income basis.
Planning for the conservation of the built and natural environment
and cultural heritage
Chair: Jihad Bitar
Milford Opportunities Masterplan Milford Sound-Piopiotahi, New Zealand
Participants: Boffa Miskell: Jane Rennie (NZPI), Tim Church (NZILA), Yvonne Pfluger (RMLA) and others; Stantec: Russell Halliday, Darren Davis, Andrew Craig, Tom Young
The Milford Sound Piopiotahi Masterplan (MOP Masterplan) sets a strategy for land use, transport and infrastructure, ecological conservation, natural hazard management, cultural experience and the operation of tourism within Piopiotahi Milford Sound, Milford Road, Te Anau basin and the surrounding area. The MOP Masterplan distils 16 distinct workstreams to develop an integrated programme of investment, governance and operational change that will optimise tourism and economic development for the region and enhance and protect the distinctive character of place in Milford Sound Piopiotahi. The MOP Masterplan is a holistic effort to dramatically improve a place all New Zealanders hold dear and enables the benefits of Aotearoa New Zealand’s prize attraction to be shared more fully throughout the wider Southland Region. It offers insights and solutions that are applicable for all communities that rely on tourism.