The fastest population and urban growth are happening in areas that are also the most vulnerable to extreme climate events. Good urban planning is vital to sustainable urbanisation and climate action. Along with our partners, CAP is working to define concrete recommendations to address growing cities, climate change and shelter needs across the Commonwealth.
Sustainable Cities
CAP and its partners in the Commonwealth Sustainable Cities Initiative (CSCI) are working together to formulate strategies that will tackle the urgent challenges of climate change and rapidly growing cities by promoting sustainable urbanisation. These partners developed and promoted the Call to Action on Sustainable Urbanisation across the Commonwealth.
In June 2022, Commonwealth Heads of Government adopted a Declaration on Sustainable Urbanisation, acknowedging the need for integrated strategies to deliver safe and sustainable urbanisation and support cities to mobilise resources to develop scalable programmes. Read more about these initiatives at the CSCI website.
In June 2023, CAP and its CSCI partners—the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), the Commonwealth Association of Architects (CAA) and the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF)—signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their commitment to work in concert to support sustainable urbanisation. Read more.
Climate Action
CAP can make a continuing contribution to addressing the multiple issues that arise from a changing climate. Our strength is in our considerable resource of professional planners who span the globe. CAP can be especially effective in the realm of climate change adaption and community resilience policies and actions.
CAP’s Climate Action Working Group (CAWG) was established to mainstream climate actions. Read more about our Climate Action Working Group.